…when you give this unique card.
Wouldn’t you like to have “the Donald” wish you a happy birthday?
(I know I would.)
So why not give it to someone on this momentous occasion?
All you have to say is:
This is President Trump’s real voice wishing you a happy birthday!
And they will go absolutely crazy with happiness.
- He says, “I wanted to wish you a happy birthday. I would never in your case say that you’re fired, so I’ll just say, you’re hired!”
- Made with high-quality material
- It doubles as both a gift and a gag!
- Get it for Mom, Dad, Granny, Pappy, Auntie, Uncle, that one person at work that you’ve been meaning to get something for, but keep forgetting and then get reminded by other co-workers talking about what they got them, etc…
- I forgot to mention that it also comes with an envelope. We'veve got your back.